It's Not That Bad Is It?

It would seem that this clown has had enough of light hearted entertainment and is intent on blowing his brains out  all over St Andrew Square. It doesn't seem a very apt image to entice people to enjoy themselves at the Fringe.
Perhaps he has had to negotiate too much stravaiging humanity in the city streets or maybe it's just the persistent drizzle and grey skies that have taken him to the edge.

Not for His Lordship and me today the irritation of congested pavements, we were on a mission to buy another electric kettle* after the one that started off life with us in the Dower House saw fit to have a terminal breakdown yesterday. As we bought its replacement I mentioned to the assistant that 6 years seemed too soon for such a failure of the old one. Not so said she, they are not made these days to last 6 years. Welcome to modern technology.

I am looking to christen it when Blipper Magpie comes this afternoon to keep me up to date with some family gossip.

*extra image

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