Rebuilding Catterways

I was going to post a shot of green tomatoes but as we were out walking at dusk this evening we went past this building site setting off a sensor which illuminated the scene perfectly and provided another opportunity to show the development of a building site.

This is an interesting development. There once was a house here, servicable, with a pleasant garden, 1970s construction I'd say. Recently it was empty for quite a time then someone bought it and it looked like they were going to do it up. Then one day we went past, the house had been demolished and a huge hole dug for a basement.

We shall look on with interest as this development is happening in a conservation area, adjacent to Bearsted Church and should therefore, fit in with the surrounding environment. According to the planning notice the design has been approved by the Conservation Officer. The big hole, by the way, is for a leisure and cinema area, the concrete floor joists of the ground floor can be seen covering the void beneath.

Susan was at her mum's most of the day so I was running, doing bits and pieces and spending a few hours at the allotment. It'll be courgettes in some form or other for dinner tonight.

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