Chilly chilli Friday!!

No thunderstorms again today, but it has rained non-stop and has been remarkably chilly! Whilst sheltering from the rain in the greenhouse, I noticed that the chilli plant that my brother gave me is laden with fruit.

"The Trinidad moruga scorpion is native to the district of Moruga in Trinidad and Tobago. On February 13, 2012, New Mexico State University's Chile Pepper Institute identified the Trinidad moruga scorpion as the hottest chili in the world, with a mean heat of more than 1.2 million Scoville heat units (SHUs) and individual plants with a heat of more than 2 million SHUs." Wikipedia

Once ripe, I don't think I need to worry about being chilly any more with these chillies around!!

Don't forget Gino at 8pm on ITV tonight if you're interested in Bologna! And look out for my hotel terrace!! :)

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