Thunderless Thursday!!

Well both the weatherman and Thor let me down today! I was hoping for a spectacular thunderstorm so that I wouldn't need to water the garden but we haven't seen a single drop of rain today. Mind you, having seen how the south east suffered with flash flooding etc, maybe it's not a bad thing that the storms passed us by!!

At the moment, our garden is besieged by a flock of Starlings on a daily basis, and when they've hoovered up as much food as they can manage, a flock of Sparrows come along and polish off the leftovers! They're eating us out of house and home!! In the last three days they've managed to get through eight fat balls, as well as emptying four birds feeders every day!

This morning I spotted two adolescent Robins trying to get in on the action, along with our resident Blackbird family, Greenfinches, Goldfinches, Blue Tits and Great Tits. If I had the energy/patience/camouflage gear/decent camera, I could get some amazing bird photos, but I don't. So instead you have the best of a bad bunch squished into a collage so that you don't look too closely at them!

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