My passion for flowers

This morning we awoke to sunny skies...........a leisurely cuppa in bed before up and out for a walk to get the Sunday papers, which we read at our leisure, sat in the garden, with a cup of coffee :-)

Middle son, DiL, Olivia and Isabella called in to see us for a flying visit, as they had been to see daughter, and her house now the builders have left. They had some lunch with us.....sadly it began to cloud over and felt much cooler as the afternoon wore on. Sons back is still not good....but the physio didn't want to do anymore on it as they are off on hols for a few days, with daughter and family....I'm sure they will all have fun, especially the five girls!! We have said we will pop to Wales for,the day to see them mid week, if the weather is good.

This morning hub and I were untangling some of the passionflower runners and repositioning them, when I accidentally pulled and this flower got caught, then fell off. I picked it up and put it on the garden table on the patio. I didn't notice until later when I was looking around for a blip, that the sun had cast a shadow and was also reflecting back our big acer and the blue sky in the black granite table top! Blip sorted :-) that's not as extravagant as it sounds......the granite was a leftover slab from our new kitchen a few years back, so we just built a brick column to place it on, hey presto, a garden table that doesn't need painting, or staining ;-)

Roast chicken thighs, with onions, our own garlic, chilli, cherry tomatoes, potatoes, all roasted together in one pot, with our runner beans on the side :-).

We've now got a gloomy sky and it feels rather cool....hope tomorrow's brighter and warmer.

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