Benavente Art

If you think this scene is familiar then you may have seen JayDee73's original  blip, Wowed, of these buildings in Benavente, Portugal. On only my second day of blipping, about 18 months ago, I commented on one of JayDee's blips and he pointed me in the direction of this blip which was published about a week earlier. He kindly gave me permission to paint it and I have finally finished it. Well, actually, after seeing it on the computer screen, I can see lots of faults and will fine tune it before getting it framed next week. Overall, I am quite pleased with how it turned out and loved trying to get the texture and detail into the picture. The colour balance is a bit off - I should have photographed it in daylight - but if you don't look at the two side by side then no one but I would know. 
Jim was "wowed" when a friend of his printed his photo and hung it in his home,. I hope he will be "wowed" when I send him a photo of my version hanging in an Art exhibition next month.

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