
Another dam-pish day. So? what's fresh?

Timed the meat hunt and library raid and photos from chemist's to coincide with a butty attack in what was The Lemon tree, rechristened the Arcade Cafe.

It's changed hands again, become The Lemon Tree and gone a we bit more posh. They still do a belting good all day Brecky, but have added a sort of build-your-own menu ... So many from the green list and some from the red, that kind of thing. And the bread will be brown, except by special request, which chuffed me no end: I hate chewing that white polystyrene stuff anyway.

Since main meal, whenever eaten was fixed, we moved it to tea-time and had what I thought was going to be sandwiches.

What Gaffer missed, 1st read was the all-important word ''Open'' beside mine.
Hence my mutter of ''Funny looking b£@@dy butty this.''

As you might gather, not much caught the old eye in the dismal wetitude. That plus a horizontal afternoon touching up/changing the colour of, the bottom half of the wall: below what's loosely, and I suspect incorrectly, called the Architrave.
It come close, but I'm not 100% sure qualifies ...
''The molded frame around a doorway or window.''

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