
By pensionspoet

Someone's Leaving :-(

My day ran relatively smoothly, in that I at least woke with my alarm & my kitchen bin was upright and in tact!

After getting in last nights washing and filling the chicken's water I set out at 7.15 for work. Daniel is going to Stafford today, so I shouted a 'goodbye have a good week' rapunzel- like up at his open window! (He sleeps at my mums next door since our move) He was awake and mumbled something back!

I managed to get into work 'early' and felt reasonably productive! A quick walk around the block at lunch time (mainly spent in White Stuff looking at sale stuff I can't afford and don't have space for) I returned to this wonderful spectacle going on, on the desk behind me! Here you see Lucy doing a fantastic job of decorating her colleague Kris' desk, ready for his last day tomorrow. He isn't my friend on Facebook, so shouldn't see this! It takes me back to the many leaving cards, presents, decorated desks that filled my last 2 years at Cambridge. It is really nice that Kris is leaving through his own choice, and so his team and the whole office have contributed to celebrate his time working in pensions. I am sure some will naturally be feeling sad to see him go.

I got home at 5.15 and went in next door for a cup of tea with mum & dad. Mum's friend Christina has arrived for a few days away. Mum worked with Christina at Enfield Borough Council - at separate times they both succumbed to redundancy, but at least they both get pensions!

So it's just Mollie & I for the evening. We plan to go up in the loft and get a table down - but don't anyone tell Jon! I have an idea about where it would go, but I don't think he would agree! I need to walk the dogs & then maybe we'll go into Cromer later to watch the fireworks, but actually I think perhaps not. I don't watch much tv but I do like 'Who Do You Think You Are?'and that's on at 9.

A final question. What does it mean when my 17 year old daughter says 'my bad?' This doesn't seem to be a sentence that makes any sense to me. Am I just getting old?

Don't answer that....

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