My Crazy Life! ;-)

By FreckledBoy221

Dinner in town this evening!

As we are jetting off to good ole Bulgaria on Sunday and I only have two more meals in the fridge, I decided to treat Grandpa to a meal out this evening - he's been working extremely hard on my behalf over the last few weeks.

We decided to go to Bills in Cambridge City Centre where we have been several times before and trust the quality of food and service etc.

I had spare ribs followed by a portion of ice cream (they had peanut butter flavour!) and Grandpa had the sea bass followed by a treacle tart for afters.

I also received my new iPhone this afternoon as I was well over due for an upgrade - wish the crafty buggers had told me!

Now going to spend some time with Boots and Charz before calling "C" in America to make sure all is okay and do my mentoring bit before I go away.

I feel satisfyingly full up and can't wait to get indoors so that I can slump on the sofa before retreating to bed once I have finished the tasks and tidied up the house a little bit.

I love it when I don't have to cook but at fifty squid for the two of us for two courses I won't be doing this too often unless of course Gramps pays the bill next time! ;-)

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