The Boys

I've had a busy day today - I decided to have a sort out of my wardrobe, which is something I've been planning to do for ages and thought I'd do it before I'm out of action again.  So there were clothes all over the floor and the bed, when I got a text from Alan asking me what I was doing for lunch and did I fancy meeting him and Carlos, his friend from work. They were going to a Thai cafe that they regularly go to, so of course I wanted to go, except it was 11.50 and he asked if I could be there for 12.30!  I said I'd be as quick as I could, but not only did I have clothes everywhere, I also had a wash load to hang out.   Anyway, I made it for 1pm, and the food was delicious, it was well worth going!

I then had to nip to Asda on my way home, drop a key off with Karen who is going to have the boys for us tomorrow, and then Lisa was due to visit at 3.30pm.  I made it home about 3.15pm and we sat in the garden as it was a lovely, hot afternoon.  Fortunately I didn't need to cook any dinner after our lovely lunch, so when Alan got home, I opened a bottle of prosecco to share.  I'd read my hospital letter and it said that I shouldn't have any alcohol 12 hours before my admission which is 7.30am tomorrow, so naturally I wanted to make sure I adhered to the rules.  However, a little later on I read my letter to check what I had to do and found that the 12 hour rule was before my pre-op which I'd had yesterday and it was in fact only 6 hours before my actual admission - so there was time for another cheeky glass :-)

Anyway, I'll be in hospital for 2-3 days this time so it's unlikely I'll have anything to blip.  So I'll wish you all a good weekend and I'll be back online once I'm feeling ok.

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