I win again!

This morning, I was taken back to the vet, yet again. I wasn't at all happy with this situation and sang a protest song all the way there. I decided to try another tack today and as soon as I got out the carrier, I purred and purred. I was trying to get through to the vet that I'm a cat, not a pin cushion and it must have worked because I didn't get any jags today.

We came back with some pills and apparently, I've to get a half pill a day crushed in my food. I saw the sachet coming out of the cupboard and jumped up to see what was happening. Swannie put my feeding dish in the sink and filled it with water then took the other dish and put a lump of food in it which she then covered with the powdered tablet. She was about to get my fork to mix it up when I leaned in and stole the whole thing. Maly was on the floor hoping for a bit so I couldn't risk that so just jumped into the sink instead. I let my stolen food drop and it landed in the bowl of water, this washed the white powder off it nicely so it tasted better.

I jumped down and ran outside chuckling to myself. I notice there is some more Whiskas in my feeder with some more of the powder on so I'm ignoring it for now.

I couldn't help smiling all day, even in my sleep.

I'm really living the dream, lots of love, Daisy. xx

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