A Matthew A Day

By MatthewAndMummy


Entirely forgot to take any photos this morning while we were out at yet another new to us park. Coleridge rec seems to have had a recent refit with lots of nice modern play equipment and a rather good splash area by the paddling pool. Matthew wouldn't go in but enjoyed watching the water jets. We had ice lollies in the shade before heading home.

He'd slept through 12 hours overnight which was a relief - but despite both of us trying (and him clearly being tired) he definitely wasn't up for a nap today either - though he did some lovely sitting and reading with daddy. A bit of a surprise if they are gone for good! As I got a lie-in tgis morning I sent Mike off for a rest and helped Matthew decorate the remaining biscuits. Rather entertaining moment when he opened the 100s and 1000s and tipped the entire pot into the bowl of icing. Still we rescued it somehow though the hoover was needed by the time we finished. Mike took him out on the bike again and then I helped him waste more water in the garden while daddy cooked tea. He ate well and went upstairs without too much complaint but Mike just had to leave him muttering in bed rather than singing to him as he just wouldn't cooperate. Dunno how long it will take him to adjust to evenings after no nap!

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