Own fault

Having provoked Nogbads weather syndicate users, I suppose it was only fair that I spent most of the day suffering from the worst ever pinched nerve in the neck pains that I can ever remember having. In German one says "Zug erwischt". Any with a smattering of German may well think this means "caught a train". However, the word Zug which indeed means train has several meanings including "draught" (as in wind) The expression is used for having a pinched nerve ie "caught a draught". It is also used in the word "Zugmaschine", one of the most common words for a tractor.

Talking of which today is Tractor Tuesday - however, the countryside was empty of any real activity. Another Blip of huge modern tractors pulling massive slurry tanks did not appeal to me today. Had to pop into the Erkheim agricultural merchants to get some cable fixing clips, so did the walk there. Also no action. Bumped into Albert who I had missed on Sunday with his three tractors. He mentioned that Jürgen or DrBulldog as I have called him a few times when I have Bliped him, has been lying in Bavaria's best-known accident hospital in Murnau for the last 2 weeks. Apparently, he was doing some early morning watering of parts of the Ottobeurer golf course, where he works, with a tractor and a slurry tank (the greens have sprinklers). On an incline with heavy dew and totally baked out, hard ground, the tractor skidded and rolled over. While various parts were broken, the consequences for him were not as bad as they could have been. He is probably about to be discharged soon. I got the bedside telephone number from Albert but when  I phoned got someone  who didn't sound at all like Jürgen but answered all the questions and comments I made "correctly" until I asked how it happened and he replied he had fallen off his motorbike and landed in an oncoming car and wouldn't be coming out for the foreseeable future. I guessed he was still very confused so without trying to explain the mistake, I politely wished him the best and hung up!

While there I had a look around for a potential TT victim and eventually found today's Blip waiting outside the workshop. From the various parts lying on the seat, it actually looks like they are doing something with it. A 1953 Fahr D12 with 12 hp and 800 cm³. I have put a photo of the ID plate in extra photos - had never noticed before on such a plate, the recommended motor and gearbox oils are shown even naming the supplier, in this case, Shell.

Back home I collapsed with the pain in my neck but luckily Angie rescued me by doing the evening animal work. Have also posted an extra photo of the horses and hens taken in the early morning. Sultan often takes a nap and is quite used to the picking and scratching going on around him.

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