Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Meditating in the rushes?

Today I went out with Jennifer and Audrey to show them the route of the "Return of the Deer!" walk for the autumn festival. A lot is on private land or permissive paths.

There was heavy rain as I arrived at Once Brewed, but it soon passed over and there was no more all day.  The wind became very strong and I was nearly blown off the board walk over Greenlee Lough. Walking east to west was into the teeth of the wind and was unpleasant. We did have wonderful views today and a good time was had by all.

When we stopped for coffee the rushes (soft rush) were very high and I took 4 photos of Audrey on my iphone. She managed to have her eyes closed on every one. Must take a proper camera tomorrow........

Tonight we went to the RSC's latest production of Othello  with Hugh Quarshie as the moor. It was a powerful production with almostmore expressed emotion and violence than I could take. I preferred Rory Kinear's Iago. Desdomona was brilliant.

Hope I can sleep!

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