Candle Light

What a weird day! It began with rain as forecast. I woke tired and a bit grumpy. Really didn't want to get up and go paint outside in the rain. But I said I would so up I got.

Arvin and I did our dance of getting ready for the day. The birds did theirs as the rain lessened and the sky began to clear. My mood began to clear, just like the day. Helena arrived to spend the day with Arvin and I took off for the city.

Soon I parked and headed into the Bay Street Village building to see Trish. She wasn't there but my friend Lyz was so I decided to paint inside in case the rain returned. The sun made patterns of shadow and I did my best to catch them. All good so far.

Then the winds came. They blew fierce and wild and rattled the windows in a scary way. luckily they did not break as had happened once while we were there painting in Trish's studio. The winds did blow out the power all over the city including where we were painting. Lyz and I finished early and I headed home.

The fact the garage door wouldn't open told me we were out of power too. So we all went out to dinner. Helena needed to shop after and the store was mobbed. Lots of people were also out of power. We took H home. Her power was on. It is now almost ten pm and we still have none. So early to bed. And no wifi so hopefully this blip will go via cellular. Cheerio all.

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