Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Ode to Joy

That was one of the musical pieces at our wedding ceremony, 15 years ago.  It is a piece of music I have always enjoyed, the kind of music that gives me goose bumps of the best kind.  And, now it is also a reminder of a very special day for me - the day I joined my life with my Hubs.  It is hard to believe it's already been 15 years - in some respects its flown by and in others it seems that I have been with him forever.  

I was 44 when we married (first marriage for both of us) and people have sometimes asked why I waited so late in life to marry ... I always say that it was because I was waiting for the right man.  I found him.  And then I married him.  And I plan to spend the rest of my days with him.  I'm very lucky.

As usual, Hubs got up early to write me a note in our Anniversary Journal (something he started on our first anniversary), and he went out and picked a lovely fresh zinnia from our garden and left it for me on the journal on the kitchen table where I'd be sure to see it.  I love that he does that every year.  This year he made me laugh, as he so often does.  He has taken in stride my transition from corporate executive to lover of all things living.  And although he isn't fond of insects, he's embraced my efforts  obsession this summer to raise butterflies just as he has embraced tolerated the buzzing bees in our garden, the spiders in the hostas and the birds...everywhere.  He lets me be me.  How great is that?

Today's photo - a recently arrived juvenile male ruby-throated hummingbird with a good start on his namesake red throat feathers.  He hovered next to the flowers just long enough for me to get off a few shots.  And I felt it was a photo that summed up my feelings on this day.

In other news...I missed the first monarch cat transitioning to a chrysalis - it apparently happens very quickly once it starts.  I am hopeful that I'll catch one of the other two who are both getting ready.  #2 is already at the top of the enclosure and has stopped eating.  #1 is still eating but based on his size (nearly 2 inches) I know he is almost ready to find his spot.  I am posting a photo of #3 in his chrysalis form, with a hint of #2 on the right side of the frame.   

And if you'd like to see four other backyard birds taken this morning (two fall warblers - yay), please click HERE

Hubs and I are off to dine at a newly opened lakeside restaurant tonight - the owners have another restaurant where we have enjoyed quite a few anniversary dinners.


PS:  And in the ongoing Bear Sagas...As I was intently watching the monarch caterpillars on the deck this morning, I heard a noise to my right and looked over to see... a big black bear face peering at me through the deck railing.  As quick as a flash, I grabbed the airhorn bear-horn and blasted it at him.  He wasn't as quick to leave as the last one, and I had to blast it four more times before he ambled into  the woods.  About 5 minutes later, the dogs that live on the next acre were going wild, so I guess he was passing by their property.  I'll be glad when they go to their winter slumber...

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