Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

NOT summer!

Today was the day to put the grey rowing float away for the season.  H and I dragged it to the beach at high tide last night.. This morning we went to drag it up on the land …with help from the family here.    Before they could walk down, the sky got really dark and the heavens opened up. So we went back home, inside,  and waited and waited and listened to the thunder and the pouring rain and finally got tired of waiting went back in the rain to finish the job. (the extra) .The rain did stop.  But it was so cold I gave in to making a fire in the fireplace….toasty....but Sept 2nd???/  The girls never went outside —until 5 when the sun came out and there was an amazing hour on the beach.. Fiona LOOKS like it’s summer, doesn’t she?  (She got her skort all wet so had to take it off.)  Shortly after this she was huddled next to the stove trying to get warm… and after diner we had to turn on the oven and make WARM chocolate chip cookies.

I do hope the weather calms down for tomorrow so we can boat over to Saltspring Island for a blipmeet with Nanzy19 and Ernie.  Really looking forward to it, but we wouldn’t have gone any day this week —too wild and crazy weather...  I’m thinking positive. :-)

Lots of good family pix, including the dog,  on the beach today that I'll gather for flickr when I have some time.. too late now --too tired.....put one other extra of the family....

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