Big Black Slug - Arion ater

I expect you have guessed from my big black blip that it has been raining all day:-(   It was my Pain Management Day and I thoroughly enjoyed it because the 20 participants have shrunk to 6!  That made for more discussion and exchanges of experiences.  I think the leader was a bit disappointed at the drop-out, but she did admit at the end that the group size made for stronger and more productive discussion.  Coming through my garden gate on returning home I spotted this big black slug (it was 5 inches in length and very fat) feeding on a Borage leaf that was lying on the ground. Blip solved!  As usual I googled it to find that it can also come in orange, brown, red , buff or even white - I'll keep my eyes open. Would love to find a white one. Once, years ago when I had a coal bin, I found a white earwig in my bin!   That won't happen again lol!

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