Glimpses of Evening Light over Carlsheaven

As I'm backwriting these lines, it strikes me how little I remember from this last Saturday. I know we made a slow and lazy start without alarmclock.
I know that we did our shopping in the afternoon. And I know from W's Journal that we made a short walkaround through town. Visiting the Exposition room in the Carolinum to follow what would be new there.

As I can reconstruct my memory from the afternoon walk, I can recieve flashes of the flowers we saw in the streets we followed. I remember that bare prune tree in a deserted garden. How long ago had it been that its branches were full of tasty fruits? How transitory! And how chilly this afternoon had been. We did not sit down to look upon the river. Just to the Super and then: lets have this hot tea, finally back home.

But wait! This is what I wanted to write down as W. and I prefered to see a tv movie. What we had for diner. W. had made this Thai-curry with Green Beans and Tofu. Hot, sweet and very tasty, thanks to the Koriander, Onions, Cocosmilk and the red Currypaste. Simply Delicious!

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