Deep Greens of the Solling Forest

It was a cold wet Sunday afternoon. We did not have an idea where to go for a walk. The only feasable walkaround could be following the Northern forest road to the big Bunk Stonequarry. And then make the turnaround way back through the deep greens of the forest.

We knew in advance that there would be no spectecular vista, no intimately lightened corner to see on this rainy Sunday afternoon. But, no point. It is the walking which counts - if anything “counts” and who knows: some surprise. Though meeting the wild friends on an afternoon is rare.

We had a rather long but refreshing walk. Together under our small umbrella we felt cosy and dry enough. No deer or swine dared to show up. We did not care. No-Boar isn’t boring. Such is the experience of the “Nothing-Special”. Just an ordinary cold wet Sunday afternoon in September. Amidst the Deep Greens of the Solling Forest.

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