
Back to the usual routine today.

Sometimes Rotary (and Rotarians) can be a pain, for various reasons, and I have my share of WTF & OFFS moments. Today's meeting was split neatly in two with the first half being in the OFFS category and the second half being wonderful.

The second half was down to our speaker - Shauni - who was one of the two teenagers we sponsored to go on a youth leadership course (the other is away in Spain coaching cricket). Yes, WTF.

Anyway, clearly Shauni grabbed the opportunity with both hands and shook it until it was dead. Not only that, but she gave us an excellent presentation on what was involved and what she got out of it.  

The rest of the day was dull, boring and frustrating. On the other hand, the weather is due to remain sunny and warm until 4.59pm (approx.) tomorrow. 

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