Brave collie

I’ve been ever such a brave little collie today.

This is what happened..................................

.....................I went for my afternoon walk along the secret path and down onto the coast path.  It was very, very windy and my fur kept getting all ruffled but I still had lots and lots of fun.  I went foraging in all the undergrowth so when it came to going back on my lead Ann had to brush lots of bits of vegetation off me.  She was just about to put my lead back on me when she said, ‘Molly, you’ve got something sticking to your eyebrow.’

Do you want to know what it was?................................

....................It was a nasty, horrid little tick.  Ann screamed, which made me jump.  Then she said, ‘Molly, when do you think you picked up that?  We need to get you home so I can use the tick twister to remove it.’

So we came home and I had to sit ever so still while Ann used the tick twister to get the nasty, horrid, little tick out of my eyebrow.

I was ever such a brave little collie.  I just sat patiently while Ann removed it.  I didn’t make a sound or try to wriggle away but I could tell Ann was worried because it was so close to my eye.  And she’d already told me that I’d have to go to the vets if she couldn’t remove it herself.  Anyway eventually she got the tick twister into position, gave one twist and out came the horrid little tick with its legs attached so she knew she’d pulled all of it out of me.

.............And then I got a little bit of cheese because I’d been such a brave little collie!!!

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