Sinclair Head ...

... was just behind the plane when I took this photo.

Down to Wellington for a meeting today. Left early, and despite the meeting (brilliantly chaired by me - ahem) finishing by lunch, I had to wait until 4:30 to leave for Auckland. My ticket was not able to be shifted to another flight.

Wandered around the city for an hour or more, and saw a protest about the TPPA. The Government will not let the people of New Zealand see the text of the agreement, and few people trust that the Government will stand up to the US and others to protect NZ's interests. Surely, if they are doing so, they would be happy to reveal the proposed text of the agreement.

Few photos and little energy so I'm posting one taken out the window of the plan just after it went past Sinclair Head on the most southwesterly part of the North Island.

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