Foggy Evening

I had a restless day today - nothing unusual after 2 trips back to back.  We had rain most of the day so it would have been a good day for chores and paperwork but I was feeling jet-lagged and unmotivated.  I did get quite a bit of laundry done, even though a rainy day isn't the best timing - tomorrow my kitchen and utility room floor is finally getting started and my washing machine and dryer will have to be moved out for a couple of days, so I thought it best to get caught up before that happened.  

I treated myself to a nap this afternoon and was surprised I slept for about an hour and a half.  When I woke up the sun was shining and there was hardly a cloud in the sky!  We rushed out for a walk - damp but beautiful.  No only were we treated to yet another stunning sunset, but then the fog started to roll into the wild meadow area, and I couldn't resist a few more pictures there.  I LOVE the spookiness of walking in fog!  Poor Dolly - it was a little cold and soggy for her and she was eager to go home while I was busy taking pictures!  

Muntjac deer ran across our path, right after I took this picture, but it was too quick and too far away to get a picture of it.  I saw a fox in the same spot a few weeks ago.  I walk a little later than many people would.  I am sure the wildlife come out more in the evenings and they're probably a bit surprised by this crazy woman and her little poodle still walking in THEIR territory!  

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