
One of Hero's strong sides has always been his focus. Ever since he was a small puppy, he has been able to ignore most distractions, when he was working with me. He proved today, that he is still 100% focused on the job at hand as he did not pay any attention to Gollum and Ex-it, whilst he worked on his front leg lift. 

After work today, I drove to Lille Skensved and had an afternoon/evening of dog training with Helle and Pernille. Pernille is the owner of Gollum's brother Fifty.

Super day surrounded by clever dogs and lovely people :-)

Gollum has been naughty today - he has chewed his way out of his car-crate! He is very pleased with the result - he can now kiss Hero, when we are driving too! Hero is not quite as excited about it.

Happy weekend, Blipland :-)
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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