Bed time?

Not really. It's only 7pm but I am beat. Had a really busy time in the garden and doing housework today and I am aching from my arthritis which plays up when I do heavy jobs. It is most annoying. When you are young and fit you don't have time to garden with the family responsibilities or study. When you get older your body cracks up. It's the same with chocolate. When you are young you can't afford it, when you can afford it you can't afford it ( health wise).
The weather was perfect today. I ended up dividing one of my bamboo plants into did well last year and I moved two plants ( in pots) in front of the kitchen windows to shade the room in the summer. it worked so well I want to do the same for the other windows on that side of the house.
We bought some "stuff" to paint on the inside of the fishpond which is leaking. The goldfish won't die and keep growing and are too big for the emergency fish tank.
Also bought an oleander for a difficult spot at the side of the house. They are poisonous but pretty and hardy. I was going to plant a quick growing wattle but there weren't any in the garden centre and I saw the Nerium -Oleander. We used to have them in the farm so I thought I would give it a go.
Think I'll do some reading now.

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