Smailholm Tower

So much for BB being under the weather yesterday, he was up with the lark today as if nothing had been wrong.  He had a cough and husky voice, but apart from that he is on fine form.  I’m always amazed at how quickly he bounces back from bugs.

I was therefore up with the lark too and as it was such a beautiful morning I went for a run.  I am not someone who can fall out of bed into their running shoes and set off – I need to time to psych myself up for it!  I ran out along the river and everything was looking bliptastic – but I had no camera with me, and no real time to admire the views anyway, as I concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other!

When the boys came home from church I made a picnic and we headed down the A68 to the Borders to seek out Smailholm Tower – a 15th century tower house built upon a rocky crag, with 360 degree views.  We explored the tower itself and enjoyed the views.  Sir Walter Scott’s grand parents lived in the adjacent farm and he himself spent time there recovering from illness.  An interesting place to visit.

Before we knew it we were back home and were nagging BB to do his homework.

This is a view looking east from the roof of Smailholm Tower.  The track leads to Sandyknowe Farm where Sir Walter Scott’s family lived.  The tower is in the extra.

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