
I had to go to the Post Office in the village so decided to continue to Amwell Nature Reserve to walk the Dragonfly Trail for the final time this season. It closes tomorrow.

The darling little owl that I Blipped last February was in a slightly different position in the All Nations College lodge chimney. I saw it last week, IGd it and was very tempted to Blip it today as its feet can be clearly seen.

I didn't see a single dragon or damsel on the trail, it was late in the afternoon. As I was leaving I saw a kestrel alight on a telegraph pole. I approached slowly, taking pics as I went. I was still quite a long way off when it flew and it took me a few moments to get it in focus, by which time it was well in the distance. I've had to crop the image fairly heavily. I've decided to post it as it is the first kestrel I have shot comparatively satisfactorily in flight.  

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