Monarch on a Sunflower in the Rain

It's been a rainy week in central Pennsylvania, but I don't let the rain stop me from getting out and about for some pictures. I have Crocs for my feet and an umbrella for my head; what more could a girl wish? And in fact, I have found that there are some things that look even more interesting in the rain, in a world suddenly rendered all wet surfaces and shine.

I was worried that the heavy rains would bring about the end of the sunflowers, so I stopped by on this morning to take a look. And as I stood there under my umbrella taking pictures of the blooms, I saw an orange shape flit down from the sky above me and land on the green leaf of a sunflower. Monarch!

I didn't know it yet, because I couldn't see the details until I downloaded the pictures, but the butterfly had droplets of rain on its antennas and its legs. Its wings were soaked, but it was doing a fine job of flying, nevertheless. (Who knew? Butterflies! In the rain!)

It is hard to imagine the long and perilous journey that awaits our beloved monarchs. For the time has come for them to make their annual migration: from one to three thousand miles, from here to the mountains of Mexico, where they will overwinter and then return. (Go ahead and google monarch migration, and prepare to be amazed!)

This sunflower-loving monarch sat for just a bit, giving me every chance to photograph it enjoying its roost. Then it flitted just a few feet away, where it took even better shelter among the sunflowers; it was quite well camouflaged among the orange and yellow blooms, and I lost sight of it for good.

I am captivated by the story of the monarch butterflies, for surely they are creatures of great magic and mystery; and I am wishing and hoping to see an increase in their numbers. (I also plant both host and nectar plants in our yard, for wishing and hoping are well and good, but they are not enough to save the world, alas.)

And so in my heart, I whisper to the butterfly before I leave: "How did you get to be so brave? Safe travels, little one!" To be so small and to travel such a long distance. Mind-boggling! I do not know the answer to how, but I imagine the mechanics of it may be quite simple: secure yourself to heaven, flap your wings, and FLY!!!!!

This song is a favorite, and it brings tears to my eyes every time I hear it. Their harmonies will do that to you. Here are the Indigo Girls, with Secure Yourself.

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