twinned with trumpton


Oddly there's a little bit of optimism. Maybe it's the sun...

To the office for the start of 4 days in a row where I need to be in. Oh lucky me!

Still, the trusty mp3 player was deployed; Iris Dement, Giorgio Moroder, Burial all featured. Then at lunchtime I met her in the Meadows on the last day of her month off; mushroom soup was produced; very fine it was too. An added kick with a splash of fino.

More optimism in the form of unlimited overtime; this weekend may see me toil endlessly to get a stash of it for November's pay day.

And after an inspired piece of thinking ahead of my 6 monthly review, it was off to gather up the boys and take them home.

All very relaxed; Alex sweetly produced a letter
"Dear Daddy, I wanted to bring you a letter so I have brought you one.

Love Alex

PS I love 48 as it makes me think of you"

Still niggles to be ironed out (hopefully) but yeah.

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