Albert's Studio

My cousin Albert's refuge for work (at his house in the village of Chalford)--a small building barely 4 meters by 4.5 inside, but incredibly efficiently organized, and containing all sorts of personal items beyond those needed for his work as a cartoonist and illustrator. (He acquired the large clock above the window just a week ago.) His computer and a new separate monitor which serves as a pad for drawing are at the opposite end, behind me as I take this image.

Albert is also a pianist and singer, with a wonderful knack especially for American popular songs of the 1930's-1950's, with which he entertained us for much of the evening. We've discussed family history and looked at innumerable photos--altogether a richly emotional visit. For the curious, here is a link to Albert's blog--mostly cartoons. (The one on student loans--for 31 May '12, a few entries down--would fit well in the New Yorker.)

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