Is it safe to come out yet?

After a morning of jobs and schoolwork I decided to point the camera out of the window for a while to see what arrived in the elder tree.  No disrespect to blue tits, great tits and coal tits but we do get a lot of them so I was just getting fed up and neck ache when a redpoll arrived.  I refocused the camera and then there was a sudden flurry, the redpoll disappeared and he was back! He wasn't successful this time and it wasn't long before the tits were back on the feeders.  This goldfinch was more nervous and spent a while peeping out from behind a branch - or maybe he had spotted me up in the window?!

I thought this was the juvenile redpoll but now I've seen it on screen I'm not so sure.  The book says juveniles do not have the pink colouring of adults but they do have a much more yellow beak....and this one doesn't.  He must be a finch because he's managing to dine from the niger feeder.  Ideas please!

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