A Meandering Life...

By Skeena


Lily is our selectively deaf Golden Retriever. I haven't Blipped her for a while.

Don’t let her cute, sad puppy, camera shy looks fool you. She can be a very naughty girl. 

She is a master of footsteps, barking when the postman is two doors away but keeping quiet when any of our neighbours come visiting. She will collect a ‘give’ or 'present' to show any caller but won’t let them have it, in fact I don’t think she has given anything to anyone in all of her life. 

The nearest she has come to giving a present to anyone was when a friend called and she brought a long blanket to show. She walked around him a few times until the blanket was tightly wrapped abound his ankles...

Lily does, however, like to retrieve mud and foliage by the coat full. This she will freely give to the living room carpet. On the rare occasion the family sit down to watch a TV show together she'll want to play tug of war with her blanket or demand her meal. Moments before we would need to check that she was still breathing!

The poor girl has lost her hearing to the sound of ‘Come, sit, stay or No,’ these must be a different frequency to ‘yes and go’ or the thunderous tones of a pea hitting the kitchen floor when she’s asleep in the front room.

She is beginning to suffer when walking too. Twice a day we need to drag her out for a walk. She’ll limp or suddenly stop and collapse to the ground. The walk must do her good though because as soon as we step one foot towards home she’s pulling at the lead like a husky or running ahead like a runaway loco….

Edit: Being male I had forgotten but it is her 11th birthday today....

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