Postcard from Christchurch

I had my Spin class this afternoon and the first thing our trainer said to me was, "I like your hair". It looks a mess I feel as I can't style it the way the hairdresser can. Maybe if I get some hair product that may help keep it in shape. We didn't have a class last week as our trainer was busy with studying for exams. So I am feeling it now with missing a week.!

After the class I took a short walk around the city on my way home as I had to go though the centre of the city. My freind wasn't well today so I didn't have to drop her off.

This collage is mostly of the new playground being constructed in the city. The playground has been inspired by the stories of Canterbury's much-loved author, Margaret Mahy, and its unique design also reflects the Canterbury Plains and Port Hills environment. The playground is being called the Margaret Mahy Family Playground in the memory of the her. As I was taking the shot bottom Left a guy calls out to me to say I haven't got his best side! He then came over to me and starting talking about the work. 

I had never seen the lettering on the surround before so asked was it just done. I was told they keep it coved up most of the time to stop it getting covered in tags. The playground is to be really just before Christmas and I was told it will be finished on time as they are all working like beavers. 
Here are some concept drawing of what the playground will look like and some more information.

This shots Top Right and Middle you can see them working on the playground. The shot Bottom Right shows you the area it is taking up.

The artwork in the Middle is called, Call Me Snake by Judy Millar. It is part of the Scape Public Art festival. Remember this blip I did on Saturday, that will tell you more about the festival. I may do a collage of this at some stage. I put it into day to help make the collage more colourful. You can see a couple of girls in the shot and they were walking up it and sliding down. Don't think the artist would approve off that. Hope they haven't damaged it!

After yesterdays heat and wind to day is rather cool with a cold light wind. It was about 12c for most of the day. We did have a light shower in the morning but it didn't last long. I heard it is going to be 1c over night.

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