
Wilson was in the courtyard sitting on the table in the sun when I got home from work. I gave him a brush and his fur a wipe with a damp cloth. His coat has lost condition and he doesn't seem to be doing the amount of grooming he usually does. He enjoys both the brushing and rub down with the cloth.

I coughed and hacked my way through pilates while he lay on the mat by the open sliding door. His body posture was the most relaxed I've seen for a few days. But you can see from the photo he's skinny.

He's here with me now, quietly purring. I on the other hand sound like a smoker with a 20 fag per day habit. We're a right pair.

I expect I'll have a call in the morning from the vet to tell me the test results. In the meantime it's wait and see, and a slow reluctant preparation to let him go - sooner or later.

Thank you for the many kind thoughts and wishes. I do appreciate them.

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