Collaborate : to work jointly on an activity

I don't know if other blippers are like me - probably not - but often when I see something that might make a good blip I make a note on my phone to go back at a later date. 

This happened to me in September.  Mr HCB and I had been out for coffee and walking back to the car, we saw this wonderful cycle in the window of a company called Appsbroker, which according to its website is “a client driven IT consultancy that finds its strengths in the cloud.”  I realise my head is in the clouds a lot of the time, so perhaps I would fit in there!  When I saw the cycle, I was immediately drawn to the colour - thinking of Pinktober -  so when two men walked out of the door, I went and spoke to one of them, who said he did indeed work for the company that owned it.  As you might guess, by this time, Mr. HCB had "walked on"!

I explained to him about the ethos of Blip and asked if I might come back in October to take a photograph of the cycle. I said that it would fit in very well for that month because of the colour as we would doing a month of blips about Breast Cancer Awareness which involve the colour pink. I found out his name was Paul and he said he was quite happy for me to come back, so on my way to have coffee with a friend, I decided that today was the day.  

The door was locked, and the most interesting part was talking to the receptionist over the intercom about blip and explaining to her that Paul had said I could come back and take a photograph of the cycle.  She did sound rather surprised, and why wouldn’t she - a random woman on the intercom talking about taking photographs at 9.30 in the morning must sound rather wacky!

Jackie duly came down, let me in and asked me a few more questions - thankfully, I was fully dressed - if I had gone in my pink robe, she would have needed no convincing that I was loopy!

She stayed with me whilst I took the photographs, and it wasn’t easy, as the cycle is in a small part of the vestibule, but she was very supportive, especially when I explained about Pinktober and its relevance to Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  She did say that the company had bought it “for fun” and they often use it.  Apparently, its nickname is  “the Beer Bike” because all the beer can go in the middle!  It’s a bike made for 7 and although it is purple, I think you will agree it is a pinky-purple.

Whether you agree that the colour fits the challenge or not doesn't really matter as the main object of Pinktober is to make us all aware of the awful disease that affects so many lives but which we desperately need to eradicate from our world. 

So here is “The Collaborator” and I daresay that my Blip friend, Yeeeed, would be delighted to join me and five others to have a quick trip round the town - I might even let her steer but I think I would prefer a cappuccino or latte in the middle though, rather than beer!

Bicycles may change, 
but cycling is timeless.” 
Zapata Espinoza

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