When I went out into the garden just after 9 o’clock this morning, it was rather chilly – autumn is certainly on the way.  Mr. HCB was already out working, still trying to get the ivy off our fence, but at the time was looking up into the cherry tree;  there were several long-tailed tits up there calling to each other – I think they must have noticed that I had refilled the various feeders a couple of days ago, so were telling all their mates.
After watching them for a while, I wandered round the garden and got several reasonable shots – there were two little potentilla flowers, obviously the last ones and looking a little worse for wear.  Then I saw the borage flowers and buds that were really pretty, but Mr. HCB then threw something else into the mix when he told me that his Pink Lady runner beans were flowering again.  What to blip today?
As I want to go outside and help with the ivy trimming, I decided to do a collage for Flower Friday – I forgot to look for the twist, if there is one for today’s challenge, but there is a little pink on the borage, so perhaps bearing in mind that it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, you would be kind enough to click on this link so that someone who cannot afford to pay can have a free mammogram. 
Thank you for all the stars and hearts for yesterday’s Abstract of Jellybeans – if you would like to see more about Hannah and the Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration for her life, do have a look at BlackTulip’s blip.
“Don't be ashamed to weep;
     'tis right to grieve.
Tears are only water,
     and flowers, trees, and fruit
          cannot grow without water.
But there must be sunlight also.
A wounded heart will heal in time,
     and when it does,
          the memory and love
               of our lost ones
is sealed inside to comfort us.” 

Brian Jacques

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