It was my intention to get up this morning and set up a REALLY Silly Saturday shot - but when the alarm went off at 7 a.m. it was so dark, I turned it off and snuggied back down in bed - especially as Mr. HCB had already got up and I had the bed to myself.

We went for our usual coffee at Jack’s and then had a wander around Old Town - the staff are always very kind in the furniture shop, Willoby’s, because although they know we don’t always want to buy something, I am “up front” with them if I want to take a photograph.

Today, Will was on duty and I told him I was looking for something “pink and silly”.  He said they had a couple of pink chairs and pink cushions, but they weren’t silly enough for me, so I decided I would mooch around while Mr. HCB chatted to him and left me to it, as he often does!

I went upstairs and the young man who was re-jigging the Bed Department on the first floor stopped to chat, so I told him what my mission was and he said he couldn’t really help.  I said it was a shame he wasn’t wearing a pink tee shirt to which he retorted, “I don’t wear pink, only salmon!”  After chatting a bit more, I came back downstairs and saw this octopus candle holder.  Having a few pink ribbons left over from my sortie into Debenhams yesterday, I proceeded to place them in various positions, and thought it looked quite silly, although Will was fine when I told him I wouldn’t be buying it because it wasn’t really “my thing”.  

At the front of the shop is an octopus wine bottle holder, which I have put in as an extra - and that did have some pink on the label, then I noticed that there was a pink rug in the shot too, so in the end, plenty of pink - but you will have to wait to see the REALLY Silly Saturday shot!

Please remember to click on this link so that those who cannot afford to pay may have a free mammogram.  Thank you.

“You have cancer
     It doesn’t have YOU.”
Eric Shanteau
2x Olympian and World Champion Swimmer

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