a lifetime burning

By Sheol

A very sad little elephant

This is Winks.

He is Jess's beanie elephant.  

He is quite well travelled, he has been known to sneak into suitcases, only to be found when the traveller arrives at their destination.  He once came with me to Bergen in Norway which was quite a surprise to me.  Most recently he is back in the UK after travels to Moscow and St Petersburg.  

It seems that he must have been left behind when Jessica went back to University this term.  It may have been because he was naughty, who can say, but Jess can be a hard task mistress.

As you can see he is rather sad at the moment, I think that he is missing Jess ... 

Tiny Tuesday: Mystery Macro:

Well done to Inverculain who correctly guessed that yesterday's Mystery Blip was a guitar string  - my extra hopefully makes it a little  more obvious.

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