Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?

To chase off the sparrows feeding on the other side is the answer .

A rather large white rooster has appeared at the end of the road outside my house. The neighbours and I are being woken each morning by the crowing and Mr Rooster is becoming very unpopular as he is raiding the vegetable gardens.  No one knows where he has come from or how he got there.

A neighbour and I watched him strutting up and down on  the grass verge this morning.  Suddenly he took off at a run across the road and charged at a small flock of sparrows feeding on the other side. Seemingly satisfied, he came back, crowed a few times, then wandered off into the neighbouring orchard.

No doubt he will be back tomorrow.

Extra Number one shows Mr Rooster goose-stepping along the road.
Extra Number two is of him charging, feathers flapping, towards the sparrows

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