
I love Autumn! 
When it's bright and crispy and everything is vibrant and gorgeous.
I hate Autumn when it's dreary and dull.
When the next four months stretch out full of dreary dullness.
Today was one of those days. It didn't get light all day, I didn't get much done and I just felt bluuuggghhhhhhh.
That said, the day did get off to a fabulous start with Miss E's class assembly.
The theme was working together as a team and they used situations at school to demonstrate how it was rubbish when everyone tried to do their own thing and how brilliant it is when everyone works together.
I was so proud of Miss E. She clearly loved every minute! She said all her words without looking at a sheet (the only one!!!), played her parts brilliantly and loved singing the group song that she had Mr H had written. When the Deputy Head at the end told the audience that the class had written the song themselves she piped up "Me and Mr H wrote it!!!!!" Ha ha, that's my girl!!!!
And, children who learn instruments all played a piece and Miss E's was great. For someone who never practices she manages to do pretty well. It must be osmosis!!
I love seeing her so proud of herself and enjoying her talents and achievements. 
The rest of the day was spent tidying, learning French, chatting on Facebook, eating omelette and trying - and failing - to shake off the bluuuughhhh feeling.

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