
By pensionspoet

Hoarders United!

Struggled to get up again today, even after an early night AND the knowledge that not only was it Friday, but a half day for me. I need a holiday I think!

So a short morning (but I kept busy of course) then I went to meet Neil who had travelled by train from Cambridge to meet up with the 'lads' for a boys weekend in Yarmouth. Lucky to have his company for a few hours - the first time I've met up with any of my old friends for a few months. We have a lot in common - we both appreciate the value of collectables, old stuff that no one else wants (otherwise known by our respective spouses as 'old tat' or 'rubbish' )

We headed down through Elm Hill to Wetherspoons where we had a bit of lunch and a nice chat. Then on to Looses and other select second hand shops in the area. The shops seem a bit smarter than last time I visited. Tidied up, but still selling the same wares. We were both taken by a full size chair from a fairground waltzer, complete with the bar to hold you in! We discussed what fun it would be sat in it watching TV. I'm sure Karen & I know Jon would be horrified if either of us turned up at home with it! It was £875. I need a bigger house, but then I'll be back. It needed restoring....but hey, when would you ever get the chance to have a full size piece of fairground in your living room?!

After skimming the surface of the shops we went our separate ways. I hope Neil and his friends enjoy their weekend in Yarmouth.

I got to Henry's school just in time to pick him up, and we set off to Morrisons to do the shopping. I know the plan was for the others to do Aldi on their way home, but I had the time today. We were home by 5 and the others arrived at 5.30.

Mollie cooked tea & I washed up, so
I've decided not to do anything much tonight. We have a fairly busy weekend ahead of us, so sitting surfing the net is my plan for this evening.

Have a good weekend everyone :-)

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