Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Montenegro Man

After two days of rain, and limited internet access probably due to the poor weather, it was nice today so we went to Kotor Market outside the walled town and bought kilos of Olives and walnuts to bring home.

After dropping them off at the car we went for a four mile walk around Kotor Bay. The sun was out, ships were docked and there was a throng of people. The scenery was stunning.

About 12.30pm, we returned to our bar in the backstreets of the Old Town. They speak no english whatesover and we communicate by pointing and raising fingers. We sat outside and watched the world go by. Next to us was a local and regular in the bar. He has a very characterful face. He delivers around the town on a pedal cycle with a cart infront. At one stage he fell asleep and the lady bartender tugged his hat and he woke up with a jolt. Everyone laughed including him. The owner, with one arm and one leg, introduced himself by pointing it was his bar and plonked two further glasses of wine infront of us. The chap in the picture was sat when we arrived and moved on after 90 minutes. A short while later we saw him pushing large cheeses in his cycle. After a couple of hours at the bar we moved on.

I grabbed the extra whilst watching the world go by. I rather like it and have titled it 'A moment In Time'. I thought I'd share that with you too.

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