My new... friend.

Cheryl the Chisel.

You see that wall behind her, that was my Nemesis until I met Cheryl. She is relentless and hammers hard. She is a weighty little number at 6kg so I know she's doing me some good and building my muscles.

This is the old photography Dark room, the wall you see was behind the sink and cabinets.

One of my friends/work colleague/builder came round today with some very good advice and solutions to some of our problems. He has set in motion some of the bigger aspects of the renovation so we are a little bit more happy with how things are going. It was lovely to see Dave and his partner as they had so much enthusiasm for our house. 

We also had some more company today for a few hours in the form of my girlfriend's sister who helped strip wallpaper, although I'm not sure what she's up to here.

I am rather tired and exhausted but very happy with progress at the moment.

Mr Bo Hingles

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