
Bought these both in The Phil, although not during the same trip.  Am especially proud of the one on the left -- the factory is located in Legaspi City, province of Albay, southern Luzon, an area better known for its most famous attraction, Mayon Volcano.  It has become a booming cottage industry and the work is of quite good quality.

What do you do when you're not in the mood to blip?  For me, the solution is simple -- don't look at it as a blip, but as a blog.  Not that I did much today, though.  I've been catching up big time with hubby's ancestors.  Specifically digging deep into what we call in Dutch the 'kwartier staat', translated as 'pedigree', a word I'm not too happy about.  Definition -- you dig up all the grandparents and great grandparents and, if you can, all the greats before them, up to the nth degree as far as you can find.  While I'd already done all of that years ago, I've extended it now to all the cousins as far as can be found, out of at least 16 of these greats.  I think I'll draw the line at 16 or 17.  A huge project, and yet, as I've told hubby, there's a lot of interesting detail, in any case, too many to put down here.

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