An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

It's Ffffffrrrrrrriday!!!!!!!!!!!

Back blipped 25.06.12

D checked Alan at the back of six this morning. He was still out for the count and hadn't moved a muscle. No point in me getting up at such a ridiculous hour since Alan was going to be off school so re-set the alarm for 9am and snuggled back under the duvet. Bliss :-))

Phoned the school just after 9 then got showered and dressed. Alan was still asleep when I got downstairs so left him to it. He finally woke up at 10.45am and when I went through to see him I fully expected him to be loaded with the cold but he was absolutely fine! Full of the joys infact and very, VERY hungry!

He wanted to have Heinz ravioli (anyone who knows me knows how much I hate that stuff. It really does give me the boak!) and not just one, not just two but 3 tins of it! 3 x 400g tins! that's 1200gs! Or 1.2 kilos! Oh boak!

There followed an afternoon of listening to music and chilling watching tv for Alan and an afternoon of cooking for the freezer for me - a huge pot of chilli and a beef stew.

Ele brought me a beautiful bouquet of flowers when she came up yesterday and this is one of the roses from it. Since I do so many flower blips thought I would have a little play in PSE and create something a bit different to my usual.

Lamb steaks and a lovely bottle of red for dinner. Yum.

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