
still new buds are coming and there are flowers galore!  Its nearly November, that seems really strange...  Hope we're not in for a harsh winter.

For Mono Monday.  The term Origins to mean something from which anything arises or is derived; source.

When I first looked this up in the online dictionary, I found there were several definitions but I've chosen to use the above one.

The origin of my love of snapdragons comes from a very early age and a memory of a photograph (in my extras) of me and my brother at our Grandparents, with snapdragons down to the right of the picture (I think).  I have blipped that one before, but can't find it as it won't be tagged I don't think!

Monday, another week of job searching is about to begin!  Trying to stay off blip/facebook until later in the day and do something constructive like my Sage 5 Online College course this week too as I've not done much lately...  I will find it really hard to stay away from blip!

Happy Monday folks :)

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