
By FlyingPRGal

Disney Magic

There is nothing quite like a touch of Disney Magic to add sparkle to a dreary day. This evening my friend Ali and I escaped into the fairytale world of Cinderella.

The lead was played beautifully by Lily James (aka Lady Rose in Downton), supported by Cate Blanchett as the evil stepmother with Sophie McShera (aka Daisy the kitchen assistant in Downton) as a comical ugly sister, Helena Bonham Carter as a bonkers but brilliant fairy godmother and directed superbly by Kenneth Branagh.

Cinderella said we simply have to remember above all else to have courage and be kind. Fairy Godmother added that sometimes a touch of magic helps too! Such simple yet wise words.

Felt very grumpy and uninspired most of today for reasons too boring to go into. It is Hump Day I suppose but I suspect a lot of it is down to the shorter dark days.

I must try and remember Cinderella's motto 'to have courage and be kind' when I have a grumpy day. We all have to create our own magic after all.

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