Capital adventures

By marchmont

Through the square window

Friday!  Hurray.  A meeting cancelled, some other work done and a video conference with London. And I did my expenses.

Afternoon off and as I came out, inevitable slightly later than planned, I decided to go in past our other neighbours, the Museum of Edinburgh.  I haven't been there for years.  It was interesting but I didn't linger too long.  the view to the Courtyard gallery was intriguing.

At home I phoned A.  The whole story is awful, truly scary that one human being would do that to another but fate, God, luck, whatever you want to call it intervened and her son is alive, more than battered and bruised, but alive and they will survive.

Started to prepare the ingredients for the cake and pudding that is this weekends task.  I also sewed the pockets on the calendar.  Tacking did the trick.

#2 son came home to do HIS expenses, finish packing and do all the other last minute stuff that accompanies anywhere he goes.  There was a minor frisson when he couldn't immediately put his hand on his passport but both that and getting his debit card loaded all got sorted without too much drama.

We watched the rugby while #3 son and #1 gf went off to the Botanics to see the light show.  Apparently they have winter mulled Pimm's!  Looking forward to it in another couple of weeks.

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