The Goldfinch face off

The sun eventually heated up the fog so much that it was 'burnt off' and the blue sky returned with bright light to illuminate the autumn colours.  The weather forecast for the next few weeks is not so bright so I grabbed the opportunity to sit in the privacy of the cabin to observe the birds.

I topped up the feeders and move them so what little light penetrating thought the branches and leaves of the rhus tree would shine around the feeders.

The usual suspects gradually arrived to take their share of the spoils with the nuthatches leading the way and threatening any one else who was around at the time.  Tits whipped in and out whenever there was free space and a robin and a dunnock observed from afar with occasional forays towards the food.

But I was very pleased to see several goldfinches and was surprised that these two decided to have a face off.  Normally they seem to be placid and easy going and often arrive in a flock.  I might have been a case of handbags at dawn, because a few seconds later they were both feeding avidly at their own perches with no further aggro.  Until a bullfinch decided to join in and didn't worry when they tried to scare it pff with the same flashing of wings and snarling beak tactics  which they had tried on each other.  Have a look at my 'Extra photo' to see the bullfinch confrontation.

soon after the fog rolled back down off the top of the commons and dropped down and along the valley until everything was cold and grey again.

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